During the period of study at the university will have to write several term papers. Therefore, it is necessary to understand at once, at preparation of the first work, requirements. Even if you plan to order courses on a specialized resource or from a freelance artist, you should be able to determine the quality of the order. Today, among the main criteria for the quality of course work is the uniqueness of the text. Usually university standards assume a uniqueness of at least 60{dced35f2776b3e1412556b9ecee1d02290aed63754e131837755920ed54dbd97}, ie the presence of direct citations and borrowed text no more than 30-40{dced35f2776b3e1412556b9ecee1d02290aed63754e131837755920ed54dbd97}. Depending on the discipline, the percentage may be different, for example, in works on law, the number of citations is allowed up to 60{dced35f2776b3e1412556b9ecee1d02290aed63754e131837755920ed54dbd97}.

Plagiarism in the work can appear not only due to quotations but as a result of compilation (purposeful connection) of parts of books, articles, other publications, without further processing, when the work is written a couple of hours before submission and introduction is taken for example from the text of a similar article on the topic, the first section of the book, the practical part of another course work, conclusions from the same article and ready… Such a “Frankinstein” can be easily identified after checking the work for uniqueness on the Internet or by content when reading the text.

As part of writing a coursework in the normal mode often have to use a lot of terms, quotes, stable scientific turnover. In principle, coursework is written on the basis of other materials, as they aim primarily to study the topic on the basis of existing information on the topic, the work of other authors, concepts, directions, and the main task when writing a course is structuring and analyzing information of his. The maximum that a student can write in the coursework is the conclusions after studying the material or their attitude, and then it will not always be appropriate. Text uniqueness programs identify direct citations as plagiarism. In this context, it is important to correctly assess the rational relationship between all these formally “non-unique” components and the original text.

How to avoid plagiarism when writing in advance?

If you are preparing a term paper yourself or looking for a term paper writing help, you should immediately take care of the “Prevention” of plagiarism. A good opportunity in this case will be to work with sources: When you enter in the search box topic or keyword phrase related to the topic of the course work, you will see a number of links to Internet resources. Depending on the popularity of the topic, such links in the list can be from two to three to several hundred. Most often, the use of sources on the links in the first lines of Google, really increases the likelihood of low uniqueness. It is desirable to use materials that are ranked low by search engines, ie are in the last places in the search, ie the farther the fresher the information, just like kefir on the shelves in the store.

Even more valuable primary sources are new or non-digitized materials. For example, these may be “fresh” scientific publications or, conversely, old monographs that have not yet undergone digital processing and get into the database of programs to verify the uniqueness of the text, they need to look for in library journals.

When writing coursework in many specialties, it is possible to use foreign sources. It is much easier and faster to correct a translation than to write a text “from scratch”.

Although the rest of the uniqueness of the course text is assessed as a whole, to facilitate the work, it is desirable to check the individual completed fragments of the text in the course of writing. For example – you can do checks on sections. In a similar way, you will see which passages of text reduce the uniqueness. You may need to limit the use of the source that causes such results.

How to “cheat” uniqueness programs?

The topic of so-called “anti-plagiarism killers” is quite popular on the Internet. These are specialized programs that increase the uniqueness of textual materials in a technical way. It is very easy to use such programs. After five minutes of text processing, the uniqueness “rises” to fantastic figures. However, it is necessary to understand: algorithms of check of antiplagiarists are constantly improved. The methods of “killers” are rapidly becoming obsolete. Even if they are still working in one test program, it is not a fact that other anti-plagiarists will miss a similar scam. You need to understand that the use of “Killers” is associated with great risk. You can get into a very awkward situation in front of teachers, permanently ruin your reputation. In addition to “killers”, there are harmless ways to bypass uniqueness programs. For example, you can use synonymizers – programs for automatic selection of synonyms for frequently repeated words. But in this case there is also a risk. Synonyms sometimes distort the meaning of what is written. As a result, instead of a logically constructed text, there is a senseless confusion. It is clearly not worth taking such an abracadabra to the teacher for inspection.

How to get rid of plagiarism in “clean” ways?

A 100{dced35f2776b3e1412556b9ecee1d02290aed63754e131837755920ed54dbd97} proven and optimal way to clean text from plagiarism (copypaste) is a quality deep rewrite. It’s about rewriting the text in your own words. At the same time, simply paraphrasing sentences is not enough. It is desirable to first read the whole fragment of the text, and then state the content of what is read in your own interpretation. If it is advisable to use a quotation in the text, its volume should be reduced to the required minimum. After the quote, be sure to add a link – this is by the way and is the basic principle of correct writing of the course work, when immediately collect material in “raw” pieces from books, articles, monographs, then arrange it in the correct logical sequence, then rewrite with references to sources…

Acceptable tools in the “struggle for uniqueness” are tables, diagrams, charts, formulas and other similar materials. The quality of the text is improved by structuring it. Therefore, if the topic allows, it is necessary to divide the text not only into large sections, but also to use subsections, bulleted and numbered lists.

Naturally, another very effective way to get a term paper in accordance with the requirements of uniqueness – is to use the services of specialists. Professional authors hone the skill of creating unique textual materials constantly, for many years. They are sensitive to changes in verification algorithms in antiplagiarism programs. Of course, the student will spend more time and effort on the preparation of course work than a professional. Therefore, everyone must decide for themselves which option of writing a course and “cleansing” it of plagiarism is the most acceptable.